Friday, September 21, 2007

Fashion in the context of communication is nothing but another symbol. A symbol representing what the current trends and societal norms of clothing are. The only cliché is that anyone cares. These pressures portrayed in the media lead to many young people doing incredibly stupid things such as inheriting eating disorder in order to achieve these norms. It also creates a social strata of 'haves' and 'have-nots'.

I found fashion, as a form of
communication, to have profound impacts on how we live our lives. It dictates the way we; eat, workout, socialize, perceive ourselves and others etc. It is almost shown to be just as, if not equally as, important as the impacts explained by Harold Innis in 'Minerva's Owl'. As he explains the impact of the written form of communications on; law, oral traditions, politics, etc. On the other hand the two readings display a nice contrast of both communication forms' (both verbal and non-verbal) impacts on the evolution of man kind.

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