Sunday, November 25, 2007

WOO Canada!

I don't know about you, but I think I love Canada more than any other person from any other country. The only aspect that seems to bug me which was pointed out by the article was that I do enjoy our conservative government but I despise the 'American' style we've recently seemed to follow. I was a little surprised to find the Bush got any votes from any country at all. Haha. As you can tell I'm clearly not a fan of the U.S.

I mean look at it this way, when the American travel they put Canadian flags on their backpacks...When Canadians travel we hope to God that we aren't mistaken for Americans...Clearly there's a reason and a good one at that. Everyone loves us. Everyone. I mean you'd obviously be able to find the odd person/group of people that weren't fans of Canada...but they are crazy so that rules them out.

The reason I think that Canadians aren't found to be as fond of Canada as the rest of the world is simply because we demand better of ourselves. The rest of the world just looks at us from a distance and compare themselves to our model. But since we live and word within our model we are able to find ways to improve an already shining practice of life.

Joke of the week:

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