Sunday, November 25, 2007

WOO Canada!

I don't know about you, but I think I love Canada more than any other person from any other country. The only aspect that seems to bug me which was pointed out by the article was that I do enjoy our conservative government but I despise the 'American' style we've recently seemed to follow. I was a little surprised to find the Bush got any votes from any country at all. Haha. As you can tell I'm clearly not a fan of the U.S.

I mean look at it this way, when the American travel they put Canadian flags on their backpacks...When Canadians travel we hope to God that we aren't mistaken for Americans...Clearly there's a reason and a good one at that. Everyone loves us. Everyone. I mean you'd obviously be able to find the odd person/group of people that weren't fans of Canada...but they are crazy so that rules them out.

The reason I think that Canadians aren't found to be as fond of Canada as the rest of the world is simply because we demand better of ourselves. The rest of the world just looks at us from a distance and compare themselves to our model. But since we live and word within our model we are able to find ways to improve an already shining practice of life.

Joke of the week:

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Alright first off,...If you're stupid enough to kill in general/kill in a country that supports capital punishment...then...kiss your butt goodbye!

I'm not too sure why the liberal leader seems to think it should be Canada's agenda to interfere in the internal justice systems of other countries. If a Canadian is convicted of a crime such as murder, or other severe crimes in a foreign country, I'm sorry but your asking for it. I don't think that any citizen hoping to commit a crime should be able to travel abroad, commit a crime, and then expect Canada to come running to their defense.

But don't you worry I'm not completely insensitive...I don't think that the Canadians whom are convicted of crimes such as dropping gum on the ground in some extreme countries should be left to rot until the ultimate penalty is carried out...It's all within reason, and I think thats what our smart PM was getting at...but its ok Dion, its ok...

Joke of the week:

And On Another Note, I Found This While Looking For This Week's Joke:

Monday, November 12, 2007


I'm not a follower of fashion nor do I read fashion magazines...But what i do know is that it takes a lot from a student to put themselves out there like that. I believe that the ability to show case one's talents and have the confidence to share that with 'x' number of people takes guts. I have had similar experiences where I have had to run through multiple hurdle hiring processes and it takes a lot of courage and optimism to stick with it. The video shows her ability to be creative in a limited time frame while getting the most valuable information across; what she can do for the company.

Joke of the week:

Friday, November 2, 2007

Rescuing Irrelevance

wooooowwww is all I have to say to that! Jeff Zucker is a sucker.... pardon the pun... It seems absolutely outrageous to think that Apple should pay a portion of its hardware sales of iPods to NBC. I dont know how in the world they would be able to distinguish which iPods were being used for the purpose of legal or illegal music. There had been numerous other platforms for users to transport and listen to their illegal music downloads long before the popularity of the iPod. Its also very true that during the entire music downloading scandal more companies wasted millions upon millions in lawsuits to combat this form of file sharing than to adapt to a growing trend and embrace this new technique of procuring music, which to me seemed like the smarter thing to do. I salute Apples adaptive approach to new market conditions and the innovative and creative ways of going about it, so much so that I plan to purchase my first Mac laptop in the coming months to get ahead of the curve on technology and software.

Joke of the week:

This weeks joke is less of a joke and more of the HILARIOUS apple commercials the marketing division has come up with.... I find them more than hilarious but if you don't and you miss the regular joke of the week....then sorry to disappoint...


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

China thinks it’s all that,… and a bag of potato chips

China has been increasing its reach all around the world in an attempt to procure what it sees as the 'last drop' of oil. China from what I have read in the papers has even been flirting with the oil sands of Western Canada! If they are desperate enough to close down factories for a period of time to please African diplomats, then I say we give them some oil and force them to reduce emissions in exchange. I mean it makes sense to me, China is one of the worlds largest emission producers in the world and shows no signs of stopping.

As for Sudan I think its a shame they didn't push more aggressively to bring aid to the region of Darfur. But knowing that hey are one of the largest weapons suppliers to Sudan I really don't know why it would be in their interest. No war, no weapons. Thats the way it goes. It just remind me of the movie 'Lord of War' in which an independent arms dealer (China in this case) secretly earns contracts through the promotion of conflict (the genocide in Sudan).

China has long been said to have the aspirations of becoming a superpower. While I was doing a little background search on the subject of China's recent spurt of 'power' I found a paper from YaleGlobal which actually takes another outlook on the situation which I had found very fascinating. I encourage you to read through it by clicking here!

Joke of the week:

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Robot Love

Is it weird I don't think its that far fetched??!?! In a world where literally anything and everything is happening, sex and marriage with a robot just isn't that shocking. I think our generation has become almost fully saturated with change. We grew up through the most rapid technological and cultural boom in history of man kind. We have been witness to the awesome power of the human mind and understand we have yet to reach our 'peak'. The fact that change will come and even stranger things will happen in the future is of utterly no surprise to us.

Joke of the week:


(warning: its a little explicit)

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I'm not a political know it all, or an overly concerned citizen, I simply took the time to understand the issues at hand. To understand the implication of the referendum and how it would benefit all Canadians. I can honestly I don't understand why people would not have preferred to vote in favor of a electoral process which more accurately represents the popular vote. This system would finally balance out the political spectrum and give smaller parties a chance to participate in the democratic process (such as the green party).

Another amazing factor to consider would have been the benefit of voting not only for the party you wished to vote for but the leader as well. Thats right, no more skewed elections because voters didn't like the political leader. It was terrible and incredibly stupid when flocks of voters would swing one way or another because of the party leader.

If you would like to take the time to understanding the effect MMP would have on our country/province visit elections Canada...

Joke of the week: